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How to request a refund from Apple for apps, media, and subscriptions?

Apple’s App Store has an enormous collection of programs, media, and subscription services catering to a wide range of interests and purposes. But what happens when you buy something that doesn’t quite meet your expectations?

Perhaps you subscribed to a service that you no longer use, or maybe you accidentally bought an app. Fear not, for Apple provides a way to request refunds for these purchases. In this guide, we will look into the steps and strategies for successfully obtaining refunds for apps, media, and subscriptions.

Understanding Apple’s Refund Policy

Before we jump into the details of the refund process, let’s start by understanding Apple’s refund policy. Apple is known for its user-friendly approach, and this extends to its refund policy as well. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Time Limits: Apple typically allows refunds for eligible purchases within 90 days of the purchase date. This window is subject to change, so it’s essential to check the latest guidelines.
  • Eligible Purchases: Refunds are generally available for app and in-app purchases, media (like music and movies), and subscriptions. 

Now that you have a basic understanding of the policy, let’s explore how to request refunds for different types of purchases:

Requesting Refunds for Apps and In-App Purchases

  1. Open the App Store: Launch the App Store on your iOS device.
  2. Go to Your Account: Tap on your profile picture in the upper right corner, and select “Purchased”.
  3. Find the Purchase: Scroll through your list of purchased apps until you find the one you want to request a refund for.
  4. Request a Refund: Tap “Report a Problem” next to the app you wish to refund.
  5. Select the Issue: Choose the problem you are experiencing from the list. If your issue isn’t listed, select “Other.”
  6. Explain Your Situation: Provide a clear and concise explanation of why you are requesting a refund.
  7. Submit Your Request: After explaining your situation, tap “Submit”. Apple’s support team will review your request and respond accordingly.

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Requesting Refund from Apple for Media Purchases

  1. Open iTunes: Launch iTunes on your computer or the Apple TV app on your iOS device.
  2. Go to Your Purchase History: Click on your profile picture and select “Account Info”. Then, find and click on “See All” next to your purchase history.
  3. Find the Purchase: Scroll through your purchase history to locate the media item you wish to refund.
  4. Report a Problem: Click “Report a Problem” next to the media item.
  5. Select the Issue: Choose the issue you’re facing, or select “Other”.
  6. Explain Your Situation: Clearly describe the reason for your refund request.
  7. Submit Your Request: Click “Submit”. Apple will review your request and respond accordingly.

Requesting Refund from Apple for Subscriptions

  1. Open Settings: Go to the “Settings” app on your iOS device.
  2. Tap Your Name: Click on your name at the top of the screen.
  3. ITunes & App Store: Select “iTunes & App Store”.
  4. Tap Your Apple ID: Click on your Apple ID and select “View Apple ID”.
  5. Subscriptions: Scroll down and tap “Subscriptions”.
  6. Manage Subscriptions: Find the subscription you want to cancel and tap “Manage”.
  7. Cancel Subscription: Select “Cancel Subscription” to stop future billing. 
  8. You’ll be prompted to provide a reason for the cancellation. Explain your situation thoroughly.
  9. Apple will review your request, and if eligible, they’ll cancel your subscription and refund any unused portion.

Note: For subscriptions, you can’t request refunds for previous billing cycles, but you can prevent future charges by cancelling the subscription.

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Additional Tips for a Successful Refund Request

  • Be Polite and Clear: When explaining your situation, be polite and specific. Provide all relevant details to support your case.
  • Check Eligibility: Ensure your request meets Apple’s refund criteria for the specific purchase type.
  • Document Errors: If you encountered technical issues with an app or media purchase, take screenshots or photos as evidence.
  • Contact Apple Support: If your initial request is denied, don’t hesitate to reach out to Apple’s support team for further assistance.
  • Patience is Key: Apple’s review process may take some time, so be patient while awaiting their response.


Requesting refund from Apple for apps, media, and subscriptions are a straightforward process when you understand the steps and guidelines. By following the outlined steps and adhering to Apple’s policies, you can increase your chances of successfully reclaiming your hard-earned money. Remember, the key to a successful refund is clarity, patience, and persistence. 

Syam Raj K
Syam Raj K

Passionate Blogger | Strategic Trader | Client Success Maestro | Navigating the Blogosphere & Finance World |

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